Blog posts tagged with 'sed':

Sed & awk examples

Date: 11 Dec 2010
Tags: [ awk ]  [ sed

Did you know you can write a webserver in awk or that sed supports conditional jumps? Probably not… These tool (languages, actually) are much more powerful than most people know. The sed & awk combination gives you massive power IF used correctly. Although most people use it for simple tasks like search/replacing or displaying certain columns of a file, the potential is much higher. I will discuss a few real-life examples I use from time to time…


Sed: simple pattern address usage

Date: 06 Dec 2010
Tags: [ pattern ]  [ regex ]  [ sed

Most people I know use sed for simple and fast translation of some keyword in files. For instance, changing ports and tags inside configuration files during deployment to production servers. This results in sometimes clumsy scripts to make sure that sed changes a keword on line 4, but not on line 40. Most people I know have no idea that the way you can actually limit the range in which sed has to operate. Let’s explore…