Talk overview
This is an overview of all talks, presentations and workshops recently presented or are scheduled. If you like me to present at your conference, meetup or company, drop me an email.
Presentation slides and comments on many of these talks can be found on my page.
Date | Event | Place | Country | Type | Title |
7-8 june | Dutch PHP Conference | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Talk | Out of memory, or plenty to spare? |
13 march | AmersfoortPHP | Amersfoort | Netherlands | Talk | Kubernetes for non-believers |
8 march | 010PHP | Rotterdam | Netherlands | Talk | Kubernetes for non-believers |
30 january | DomCode | Utrecht | Netherlands | Talk | Kubernetes for non-believers |
23 january | PHPFRL | Heerenveen | Netherlands | Talk | Kubernetes for non-believers |
Date | Event | Place | Country | Type | Title |
14 december | PHP Tilburg | Tilburg | Netherlands | Talk | Kubernetes for non-believers |
30 november | VechtdalDev | Harderberg | Netherlands | Talk | Kubernetes for non-believers |
28 november | Ode to Code | Apeldoorn | Netherlands | Talk | Kubernetes for non-believers |
2 november | DeventerPHP | Deventer | Netherlands | Talk | Kubernetes for non-believers |
26-27 october | ForumPHP | Paris | France | Talk | Theorems and paradoxes every developer should know |
13 july | 010PHP | Rotterdam | Netherlands | Talk | Theorems and paradoxes every developer should know |
29 june - 1 july | Dutch PHP Conference | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Talk | Theorems and paradoxes every developer should know |
29 june - 1 july | Dutch PHP Conference | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Talk | Keeping it in sync: achieving consensus in a distributed environment with Raft |
30 march | PHPBreda | Breda | Netherlands | Talk | Theorems and paradoxes every developer should know |
15 febrary | NijmegenPHP | Nijmegen | Netherlands | Talk | Theorems and paradoxes every developer should know |
27 january | PHPBenelux | Antwerp | Belgium | Talk | Python for PHP developers |
Date | Event | Place | Country | Type | Title |
29 november | PHPBreda | Breda | Netherlands | Talk | TBD |
14-18 november | PHPWorld | Washington D.C. | USA | Talk | Symfony2 Components in Your Own Code or Framework |
14-18 november | PHPWorld | Washington D.C. | USA | Talk | Getting the Best out of Symfony’s Security |
9 november | AmersfoortPHP | Netherlands | Amersfoort | Talk | From source to code: an introduction into compilers, interpreters and JIT. |
7-9 october | Bulgaria PHP Conference | Sofia | Bulgaria | Talk | Theorems and paradoxes every developer should know |
30 september-2 october | PHPNW | Manchester | England | Talk | The first few milliseconds of HTTPS |
8 september | PHP010 | Rotterdam | Netherlands | Talk | From source to code: an introduction into compilers, interpreters and JIT. |
23-25 june | Dutch PHP Conference | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Talk | From source to code: an introduction into compilers, interpreters and JIT. |
21 june | PHP.Frl | Leeuwarden | Netherlands | Talk | Theorems and paradoxes every developer should know |
29 may - 2 june | International PHP Conference | Berlin | Germany | Talk | From source to code: an introduction into compilers, interpreters and JIT. |
21-22 may | PHPKonf | Istanbul | Turkey | Talk | From source to code: an introduction into compilers, interpreters and JIT. |
28 april | PHP Leuven | Leuven | Belgium | Talk | Theorems and paradoxes every developer should know |
5 february | SweetlakePHP | Scheveningen | Netherlands | Talk | Theorems and paradoxes every developer should know |
26 january | PHPBenelux | Antwerp | Belgium | Workshop | Symfony2 Security |
Date | Event | Place | Country | Type | Title |
10 december | PHP010 | Rotterdam | Netherlands | Talk | The first few milliseconds of HTTPS |
8 december | PHPAmersfoort | Amersfoort | Netherlands | Talk | Theorems and paradoxes for developers |
14 november | BrnoPHP Conference | Brno | Czech Republic | Talk | Out of memory, or plenty to spare? |
5 november | GroningenPHP | Groningen | Netherlands | Talk | (re)discovering the SPL |
28 october | PHPZwolle | Zwolle | Netherlands | Talk | (re)discovering the SPL |
16 october | Symfony2 Masterclass | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Workshop | Advanced Symfony2 Security |
16 october | Symfony2 Masterclass | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Workshop | Advanced Symfony2 Forms |
18 september | Daycamp4Devs | - | - | Talk | Don’t reboot, debug! |
4 september | Endpoint conf | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Talk | The first few milliseconds of HTTPS |
25-27 june | Dutch PHP Conference | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Talk | Don’t reboot, debug! |
18 march | NijmegenPHP | Nijmegen | Netherlands | Talk | (re)discovering the SPL |
12 march | ApeldoornDev | Apeldoorn | Netherlands | Talk | Saffire: a journey into writing your own programming language |
19-20 february | PHPUK | London | United Kingdom | Talk | Out of memory or plenty to spare? |
1 february | FOSDEM | Brussels | Belgium | Talk | (re)discovering the SPL |
Date | Event | Place | Country | Type | Title |
20 november | NLUUG | Bunnink | Netherlands | Talk | The first few milliseconds of HTTPS |
10-14 november | PHP[World] | Washington D.C. | United States | Talk | (re)discovering the SPL |
5 november | ApeldoornDev | Apeldoorn | The Netherlands | Talk | Things that make you go voom |
13 october | PHPBenelux | Antwerp | Belgium | Talk | (re)discovering the SPL |
3 october | Leaseweb Tech Summit | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Talk | The first few milliseconds of HTTPS |
29 sep to 3 oct | DrupalCon Amsterdam | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Talk | (re)discovering the SPL |
3 september | Sweetlake PHP | Zoetermeer | Netherlands | Talk | (re)discovering the SPL |
27 to 29 august | New Zealand PHP Conference | Wellington | New Zealand | Talk | The first few milliseconds of HTTPS |
27 august | New Zealand PHP Conference | Wellington | New Zealand | Workshop | Deep dive into advanced PHP components |
4 & 5 june | International PHP Conference | Berlin | Germany | Talk | (re)discovering the SPL |
4 & 5 june | International PHP Conference | Berlin | Germany | Talk | The first few milliseconds of HTTPS |
17 mai | PFZ Workshopday | Tilburg | Netherlands | Workshop | Introduction into Symfony2 |
5 & 6 april | Loadays | Antwerp | Belgium | Talk | The first few milliseconds of HTTPS |
6 march | SymfonyNL UG | Utrecht | Netherlands | Talk | Creating custom annotations in Symfony2 |
21 & 22 february | PHP UK Conference | London | United Kingdom | Talk | (re)discovering the SPL |
21 & 22 february | PHP UK Conference | London | United Kingdom | Talk | RPMing your apps and tools |
24 & 25 january | PHPBenelux Conference | Antwerp | Belgium | Talk | (re)discovering the SPL |
24 & 25 january | PHPBenelux Conference | Antwerp | Belgium | Talk | The first few milliseconds of HTTPS |
16 january | AmsterdamPHP | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Talk | The first few milliseconds of HTTPS |
8 january | GroningenPHP | Groningen | Netherlands | Talk | The first few milliseconds of HTTPS |
Date | Event | Place | Country | Type | Title |
8 & 9 november | CodeConnexx | Maastrict | Netherlands | Talk | Alice & Bob: Public key cryptography 101 |
7 november | CodeConnexx | Maastrict | Netherlands | Workshop | PHP Unittesting & CI |
28-30 october | Webtech 2013 | Munchen | Germany | Talk | Don’t reboot, debug! |
28-30 october | Webtech 2013 | Munchen | Germany | Talk | REST in practice |
8 october | PHP Amersfoort | Amersfoort | The Netherlands | Talk | (re)discovering the SPL |
18 september | Web & PHP | San Francisco | U.S.A. | Talk | (re)discovering the SPL |
18 september | Web & PHP | San Francisco | U.S.A. | Talk | Don’t reboot, debug! |
17 september | Web & PHP | San Francisco | U.S.A. | Talk | Alice & Bob: Public key cryptography 101 |
14 september | PFCongres | Utrecht | Netherlands | Talk | 10 things you are doing wrong with REST |
13 september | PFCongres | Utrecht | Netherlands | Workshop | Vagrant & Puppet workshop |
12 august | Techademy | – | – | Webinar | Advanced puppet for PHP developers |
17-18 may | | Verona | Italy | Workshop | Puppeteering your Symfony2 project |
12 april | 4developers | Warsaw | Poland | Talk | REST in practice |
12 april | 4developers | Warsaw | Poland | Talk | 15 protips for MySQL |
12 april | 4developers | Warsaw | Poland | Talk | Don’t reboot. Debug! |
26 maart | Symfony2 Meetup | Utrecht | Nederland | Lightning Talk | Composer: you’re doing it wrong |
7 maart | PHPTwente Meetup | Enschede | Nederland | Talk | REST in practice |
Date | Event | Place | Country | Type | Title |
1 november | PHPTwente Meetup | Enschede | Nederland | Talk | Zend Certification: Do or Don’t |
17 oktober | IPC #12 | Mainz | Germany | Talk | Alice & Bob: public key cryptography 101 |
15 oktober | IPC #12 | Mainz | Germany | Talk | Puppet for dummies |
14 oktober | IPC #12 | Mainz | Germany | Workshop | Puppet for dummies |
6 oktober | PHPNorthWest | Manchester | Great Britain | Talk | Don’t reboot, debug! |
27 september | PuppetConf | San Francisco | U.S.A. | Talk | Taming your MCollective without Ruby |
15 september | PFCongress | Utrecht | Netherlands | Talk | Alice & Bob: public key cryptography 101 (dutch) |
26 august | FrOSCon | Bonn | Germany | Talk | A history on security and how to win the battle |
26 august | FrOSCon | Bonn | Germany | Talk | Alice & Bob: public key cryptography 101 |
25 august | FrOSCon | Bonn | Germany | Workshop | Puppet for Dummies |
25 august | FrOSCon | Bonn | Germany | Talk | Rest in Practice |
16 august | AmsterdamPHP | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Talk | A history on security and how to win the battle |
7-9 june | DPC | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Talk | Separating the concerns |
7-9 june | DPC | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Talk | Puppet for dummies |
22-25 may | PHP|Tek | Chicago | U.S.A. | Talk | Puppet for dummies |
22-25 may | PHP|Tek | Chicago | U.S.A. | Talk | Alice & Bob: public key cryptography 101 |
22-25 may | PHP|Tek | Chicago | U.S.A. | Talk | (Re)discover the SPL |
3 may | Competa Techtalk | Rijswijk | Netherlands | Talk | REST in practice |
1 may | PHPBenelux | Wijk bij Duurstede | Netherlands | Talk | REST in practice |
24 april | Techforum | Moscow | Russia | Talk | Alice & Bob: public key cryptography 101 |
17 april | 4developers | Poznań | Poland | Talk | Puppet for dummies |
17 april | 4developers | Poznań | Poland | Joint Talk | Don’t fall behind: how to learn now what is needed tomorrow |
13-14 april | Whiskyweb | Edinburgh | Scotland | Talk | Alice & Bob: public key cryptography 101 |
16 march | Techademy | Woudenberg | Netherlands | Workshop | Scrum |
17 february | Techademy | Woudenberg | Netherlands | Workshop | Puppet |
11 february | PFZ Workshopday | Hengelo | Netherlands | Workshop | SPL |
20 january | Techademy | Woudenberg | Netherlands | Workshop | REST |
Date | Event | Place | Country | Type | Title |
19 december | Techademy | Woudenberg | Netherlands | Workshop | SPL (disc) |
17-20 october | ZendCon | San Jose | U.S.A. | Talk | Puppet for dummies |
17-20 october | ZendCon (uncon) | San Jose | U.S.A. | Talk | 15 pro-tips for MySQL users |
7-9 october | Jesien Linuksowa | Kielce | Poland | Talk | Alice & Bob: public key cryptography 101 (cancelled) |
7-9 october | Jesien Linuksowa | Kielce | Poland | Talk | Puppet for dummies (cancelled) |
6 october | PHPBenelux Meetup | Gent | Belgium | Talk | Puppet for dummies |
17 september | PFCongres | Utrecht | Netherlands | Talk | 15 protips for MySQL users |
20 june | Dutch PHP Conference (uncon) | Amsterdam | Netherlands | Talk | Alice & Bob: public key cryptography 101 |
16-17 april | Loadays | Antwerp | Belgium | Talk | Alice & Bob: public key cryptography 101 |
16-17 april | Loadays | Antwerp | Belgium | Talk | Deploying and maintaining software with RPM/APT |
4 april | 4developers | Warsaw | Poland | Talk | The application for Android |
26 march | PHPBenelux Meetup | Amersfoort | Netherlands | Talk | 15 protips for MySQL users |
29 january | PHPBenelux | Antwerp | Belgium | Talk | Harness the power of Sed & Awk |
Date | Event | Place | Country | Type | Title |
13 november | PFZ Workshopday | Utrecht | Netherlands | Workshop | Linux Advanced Workshop |
13 november | PFZ Workshopday | Utrecht | Netherlands | Workshop | Linux Beginners Workshop |
About my presentations
Even though i’m focused on PHP and Linux/System administration conferences, my presentations are mostly language agnostic. They tend to range from basic introductions, to advanced & in-depth. My presentations are (by others) described as fast-paced, humorous but to the point.
I tend not to talk so much about the obvious and the current trendy topics. My interests are mostly on what’s behind the curtain: how does stuff work which we take for granted and/or work with every day. This results sometimes in presentations that seem to be out of place, but in fact are always very interesting and enlightening for attendees.



New Zealand

United Kingdom