Blog posts tagged with 'vagrant':

vagrant-share issues

Date: 10 Dec 2014
Tags: [ vagrant

As a reminder (mostly for myself, but any googlers out there):

After updating Leopard to OSX Mavericks (yes, I know it’s 2014!), i had to reinstall vagrant again. Using the latest version (1.7.0) gave me the following error while running:

/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-share-1.1.2/lib/vagrant-share/activate.rb:8:in 'rescue in <encoded>': vagrant-share can't be installed without vagrant-login (RuntimeError)


Using vagrant and puppet to setup your symfony2 environment

Date: 29 Jun 2012
Tags: [ puppet ]  [ symfony2 ]  [ vagrant

As you may now by now, I’m a big fan of using Puppet for configuration management. Since the rise of virtualization, these applications are becoming one of the more dominant tools in a developers tool chain. Together with other tools, setting up a complete development environment with just a single command is not only reality, but it’s becoming for a lot of developers a daily practice. But even for open source projects like and are seeing the benefits of  having "development environment on the fly". New contributors don't have to spend a lot of time setting up their environment, but it's automatically generated: the code setup, the database server together with a filled set of data, any additional components like varnish, memcache, reddis etc. This blog post gives an overview on how to setup a symfony2 project with the help of vagrant and puppet.