Blog History
- A comprehensive list of failed projects
- Let's talk about your privates
- My first attempts with Unity
- Go maps vs switches
- My guide to commenting on
- Moving to Jekyll
- Benford's law in frameworks
- Symfony, XDebug and the maximum nesting level
- Incrementing values in PHP
- Understanding Symfony2 Forms
- The PHP Elephant stampede
- The secret success of PHPNL
- Advanced user switching
- Debugging Symfony components
- vagrant-share issues
- Deepdive into the symfony2 security component: part 1
- Symfony2: logging out
- Conditional app permissions
- Internal PHP function usage: revisited
- Shuffling elements in Gatling
- Internal PHP function usage
- A toolbox for less than $100 / month
- The first few milliseconds of HTTPS
- Throttle your API calls: RateLimitBundle
- Dynamic form modification in Symfony2
- Bitwise mask emulation with Solr
- SPL Deepdive: RegexIterator
- Email Subaddressing
- Symfony2 app/console bash completion
- Realtime PHPUnit
- Decoding TLS with PHP.
- External code coverage with travis / scrutinizer
- TeleHash: an encrypted p2p network for your apps
- Yearly mail routine
- FullSpectrumLaser aka: why you should think twice on buying from them
- PHP's Resources and garbage collection
- Twitter Customer Support: the best thing that happened for customers and companies
- Saffire update may 2013: coalesce
- Scrum issues: being agile isn't easy..
- How Saffire doesn't do things different
- PHP5.5: Try/Catch/Finally
- Custom symfony2 config loader
- Saffire january 2013 update
- Saffire - Programming the web since 2013
- Debugging remote CLI with phpstorm
- Introducing the REST cookbook
- Saffire: december 2012 update
- Installing composer: russian roulette.
- Writing a language
- Saffire: A dive into a new language
- MultiParamConverter for Symfony2
- Using varnish to offload (and cache) your OAuth requests
- Symfony2: Implementing ACL rules in your Data Fixtures
- Using vagrant and puppet to setup your symfony2 environment
- DPC speaker's dummy guide into arduino
- Using augeas (in PHP)
- 301 vs 303
- Conference retrospect
- Bloom filters
- PHPShout : a shoutcast streamer in PHP: Part 4
- PHPShout : a shoutcast streamer in PHP: Part 3
- PHPShout : a shoutcast streamer in PHP: Part 2
- PHPShout : a shoutcast streamer in PHP: Part 1
- PHP has moved to git!
- Ideas of march
- Why putting SSH on another port than 22 is bad idea
- Freelancing: episode 1
- Setting up a development environment
- Pragmatic investment plan 2011-2012 : The update
- LaTeX: also useful for writing your documentation
- Apache's fallbackresource: your new .htaccess command
- Why I don't accept PayPal anymore for payments
- Android: PuzzleChess game
- Facter: ZendServer
- php 5.4 + htrouter: Your personal Apache 2.2 compatible server
- New company website is online
- Book review: Confessions of a public speaker
- SPL: Using the iteratorAggregate interface
- Compatible code: starting with symfony2
- Goodbye Enrise, Hello world
- Don't make your database a slave to your ORM
- Netiquette gone wild: how not to use social media and email
- ZendCon 2011 retrospective
- LAMP-stack? Forget it! It's a LAMPGMVNMCSTRAH-stack now...
- Creating partitioned virtual disk images
- Creating MCollective clients in PHP - The hard way
- Book review: Pro Puppet
- Book review: The geek atlas
- Book review: VMWare vSphere 4.1: HA and DRS technical deepdive
- Book review: Simly Einstein: Relativity demystified
- These are busy times...
- Asynchronous operations in REST
- Top 10 Apache Top Level Projects
- How cool is my job?
- The GNU Build tools, part 1
- Pragmatic Investment Plan - may 2011-2012
- Varnish in non-compiler environments
- binomial coefficients
- Back to basics: virtual memory
- Dwarf fortress: crossing vi with the Matrix
- Speaking at Loadays and PhpBenelux Meetup
- Speaking on the 4developers conference in Poland
- Public key encryption on php|architect
- Back to basics: TCP
- Having fun with Arduino
- memcache internals
- Password hashing and salting
- Make me a sandwich. Ok!
- Talking at the PHP Benelux 2011
- Using syslog for your php applications
- PHP 5.4: RegexIterator::getRegex()
- 12 tips for securing your linux systems
- Github gists: revisioned code snippets for free
- Enrise: Appending the appenditerator
- InnoDB isolation levels
- The first few milliseconds of https
- Tutorial: how to manage developers
- Composite key autoincrements
- OAuth timestamps and nonces
- What kind of day has it been
- PHP srand problems with suhosin
- SSL and Virtualhosting
- Sed & awk examples
- Encryption operating modes: ECB vs CBC
- Sed: simple pattern address usage
- Public key cryptography 101
- About using UTF-8 fields in MySQL
- Top-5 certifications for every PHP programmer
- Back to basics: two's complement
- 10 advanced linux command line tools
- Centralising your tools in a custom repository - Part 1
- Centralising your tools in a custom repository – Part 2
- Android App v1.6
- Testing encoders for PHP
- Creating a traceroute program in PHP
- Minimizing cache stampedes
- Moving from windows to mac
- Passing the LPI-1 and LPI-2 exams
- Deflating the universe
- Bit manipulation in PHP
- Suits v. Techies.. the neverending battle..
- Android Mobile App
- CybOS - Part 1 : In the beginning, there was 0x7C00
- CybOS - A tutorial OS
- Cardinality & Selectivity
- Handling binary data in PHP with pack() and unpack()